Recreaverhuur het Schepersveld

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"Fond des Vaulx (20p)", Luxembourg, Belgium, Ardennes, Luxembourg Province, Marche

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Location Luxembourg, Belgium, Ardennes, Luxembourg Province, Marche
Name "Fond des Vaulx (20p)"
Arrangement Midweek
Length of stay 4 night (s)
Price € 525

Regional information

In the land of fries, beer and chocolate is a lot to discover. Whether you want to stroll on the beautiful beach or you want to enjoy the culture, shopping or cycling in the mountains: it is all possible in Belgium. Belgium is suitable for a short vacation, but it is certainly worth a long visit. Places like Bruges and Ghent are world famous. The European Parliament in Brussels and of course the Manneken Pis, the real Belgian attractions. Do you love the nature and would like to one of the beautiful places in the Ardennes? Choose the neighborhood of Namur and Liege. In summer you can enjoy the beautiful beaches and the beautiful parks, while in winter the Ardennes are ideal for cross-country skiing, or for great walks in the woods with your family.

Recreaverhuur het Schepersveld
Loohuisweg 7
7121 JL Aalten 
Tel: 024-6751948
Description of way